Saturday, October 19, 2013

Stuck Emotional and Spiritually

Dear Jordan,

I feel stuck emotional and spiritually.  I find searching for a way to increase my connection with the universe. I am trying to find out where to start and stop. I feel like a social butterfly going from one site to the next.  I need some to type of balance. As you read this am sure you can see I am stuck on ME.

-Addie, Cancer

Hello Addie,

Its great that you're searching to grow emotionally and spiritually.  Growth is a lifelong process and at times, the stagnation of one level of evolution can make one feel stuck.  Opportunities for us to grow are all around us.  Deep down, your soul knows the tools you need to move to the next level of evolution.  Perhaps you may consider meditating to clear your mind and connect with your inner self.  Perhaps you may gain insight on what actions you can take to get to where you want to go.

Another suggestion is for you to think about what you did to evolve to the level you're at today.  Did you achieve a level of spirituality and then stop doing some of the things that helped you grow?  Maybe going back to the basics will help you uncover what other things you need to do to get you to where you want to be, spiritually and emotionally. 
Do you know charity is the strongest energy of the light?  Maybe while your working toward the next level, you may find opportunities to help others along their path.  
Here are some pages on the website that may help you get back on your path:
I hope that helps!
Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Free Spiritual Guidance

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Negative Comments in My Relationship Compatibility Reading


I just wanted to thank you very much for the time you took in producing this synastry reading for me. I can clearly see some of the aspects you have outlined that I felt instinctively about our union right from the start. I am grateful for the confirmation. I was hesitant about proceeding forward with this man, and now I know why. 

I am happy that I can now walk away from the situation, knowing I have made the right decision for myself. The energy between us (aside from the mental) has 'Kaos' written all over it. Thank you again.

-Diane, Virgo

Hi Diane, the primary power of a Virgo is "I analyze," which means the Yang to your Yin is "I over-analyze. See if my response below helps you see your reading in a different light; no pun intended.


Hi Jordan,

Just a quick question... does everyone's readings have negative stuff in it, or did I just get lucky? :) I've had one with you before that had both positive and negative aspects... but this 2nd one has quite a bit. It appears, I've manifested quite a learning experience here. Thank you again!

-Mary, Pisces

Great question! And not as quick an answer as it may seem.

The conclusion of "positive" or "negative" is a judgement that you make. It is based on your own experience, knowledge, level of personal evolution, and the moment in time at which these conclusions are made. I consider judgment the 11th temptation because it can take you from harnessing the power of the light.  Here are some references on the website to these points.

Exactly, why did you seek out a compatibility reading?

You have to think through the answer to that in great detail, because that is where the real answer to your question hides. I ask, because only you can evolve your soul and create the environment in which you will live and continue to evolve. You can only evolve through relationships.

Possibly confused? I understand.

Any spiritual astrology reading is just words on a piece of paper. This concept holds true who any "advice" you may see in your version of the universe you created for yourself. Buddha said it best:

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." And "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

What he is saying is that it is your own energy, and how you apply in your relationship, is where you should focus your efforts.

Even the "best" of soul mate relationships will have what you called "negative" characteristics. If you invest energy and focus in what makes it "best," the negative is just a bump in the road. Relationships, like your soul, evolves over time.

If your motivation for getting a compatibility reading is to seek out potential dangers, threats, or warning signs, your motivation is your own warning sign. "Fear of" any possible challenge might suggest you are not yet ready for a soul mate relationship. A reading that tells you everything will be wonderful is just words on a piece of paper too.

The value of your reading are the things you are afraid of. It should not be taken as an insightful look into your partner, but a look into your own personal evolution. You can only evolve your own soul. The reading is not a prediction of your future, only you create your future. So let's look at the first paragraph of your reading:

Mary's strongest Quality is Mutable and Bob's strongest Quality is Cardinal

A relationship between Cardinal and Mutable personalities is generally good as you both enjoy change and variety. Bon has a pioneering spirit and likes to initiate new things and Mary is very adaptable. Problems can arise between you, though, if Mary is negligent and unmotivated or if Bob tries to dominate or order her around.

Let's not conclude positive or negative, because both energies will always exist. You both enjoy change and variety. That is a powerful energy of attraction. It is also something that lasts long-term and can help keep a relationship fresh and exciting. According to spiritual balance, or Yin-Yang, to over-use or abuse any power comes with a new path of destiny as potentially indicated in the reading. The learning and evolutionary lesson here is what can you do to harness the energy you want, and what will you do when that energy crosses your comfort zone to get it back to a place, and a future, you do want to create.

I would suggest that you reconsider your reading and look at the opportunities you have to keep things in balance and create the future you wish to experience. "Spiritual," at this website, means to look within to evolve your soul. If you are looking within your partner's soul to find warnings and dangers, that is what you will accomplish, because the universe can only create a future based on your choices and your investment of energy.

I'll leave you with one more spiritual wisdom from Buddha: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become."

I hope that helps.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Friday, May 31, 2013

How To Personalize My Daily Spiritual Astrology Reading

After reading your example for editing one's daily reading, I am not clear on how or where to focus my thoughts.  Am I focusing on what has been occurring in my life, thereby making edits accordingly?  Or am I making edits based on where I would like things to go or be in my life?  My Mercury mind tends to be all over the place; therefore, I need to know how to establish what my intentions should be.
-Priscilla, Gemini

Great question, thank you. First, let me say, "being all over the place" is a power of the Gemini. Don't try to change that, try to harness it into high-quality production.

The goal of the daily spiritual astrology reading is to make an open and honest communication with the universe and your soul. Let's look at your readings for today:

Your value system has changed considerably in the last couple of years, and with those changes, your social and personal needs have changed as well. Don't be afraid to explore new things. Invite fresh experiences into your life. What you need now is out there waiting for you, but you have to go out and get it.

You are bold, daring, and enterprising during this time and may feel hemmed in by present circumstances and feel an uncontrollable urge to enlarge your vistas and expand your emotions. Your restless need to accomplish more and break free of present limitations may inspire you to seek a new relationship. This doesn't mean getting rid of the old ones; it may mean a new friend or just adding to your current circle.

I took the current reading and added keywords put in curly brackets and separated by a line, as shown below. I have the unfortunate skill of seeing multiple paths of destiny in milliseconds, so my list of keywords will likely be much longer than yours, but now it looks like this. Don't try to read it yet, just understand the technique; you'll see my point after.

Your {value system|purpose|immediate goals|immediate needs|desires} has changed {considerably|extravagantly|gradually|lavishly} in the last {couple of years|few days|few months}, and with those changes your {social|collective|common|hospitable|pleasurable|private} and {personal|intimate|secret|career|relationship} {needs|requirements|commitments|obligations|wishes} have {evolved|changed|improved|declined} as well. Don't be afraid to {explore|seek out|identify|learn|invest|recognize} new {things|opportunities|relationships|accomplishments}. {Invite|Open your soul|Open your heart|Open your mind|Encourage} {fresh|new|exciting|mentally stimulating|satisfying} {experiences|intimacy|wisdom|education} into your life. What you {need|want|wish for} now is {out there|under your nose|right in front of you and} {waiting for you|there for the taking if you can see it}, but you have to go out and {get it|invest energy in making it a reality}.

{Your energy levels are|You are} {bold|adventurous|fearless}, {daring|forward|reckless|gutty|cocky}, and {enterprising|aspiring|hungry|yearning|lusting)zealous} during this {time|week|weekend|month} and may feel an{trapped|hemmed in|stuck} by {present circumstances|current relationships|career relationships} and feel an {uncontrollable|exciting|frantic} urge to {enlarge your vistas|find new friends|find new lovers|find new partners|find new relationships} and expand your {emotions|gratifications|intellectual communications}. Your {current|restless|short-term|long-term} need to {accomplish more|feel satisfied|evolve} and {break free|put on the back burner|get past|finally put behind} of {present|lingering|old} limitations {may|can|will} {inspire|motivate} you to {find|seek} a new {relationship|soul mate|partner|friend}. This {doesn't|may} mean {discarding|getting rid of} the {current ones|old ones|the ones that are disappointing you|those less evolved}.

If you copy and paste your new reading into a spinning program. There is a free one at, the program will automatically substitute keywords within the primary theme of your daily reading. An here are countless versions of the same reading, that will be more personalized once you create one with your own keywords:

Version 1

Your immediate needs have changed gradually in the last couple of years, and with those changes, your social and personal requirements have changed as well. Don't be afraid to explore new relationships. Encourage satisfying experiences into your life. What you need now is under your nose there for the taking if you can see it, but you have to go out and get it. Your energy levels are adventurous, cocky, and hungry during this weekend and may feel trapped by current relationships and feel a frantic urge to find unknown relationships and expand your emotions. Your present day need to evolve and get past of old limitations may inspire you to seek an unknown partner. This doesn't mean discarding the current ones.

Version 2

Your purpose has changed lavishly in the last few months, and with those changes, your social and secret needs have evolved as well. Don't be afraid to recognize new relationships. Open your mind satisfying intimacy into your life. What you wish for now is right in front of you and waiting for you, but you have to go out and invest energy in making it a reality. Your energy levels are bold, gutty, and hungry during this week and may feel trapped by career relationships and feel a frantic urge to find new friends and expand your intellectual communications. Your restless need to accomplish more and get past of lingering limitations may inspire you to find a new soul mate. This doesn't mean getting rid of those  less evolved.

Version 3

Your immediate needs have changed gradually in the last couple of years, and with those changes, your private and career requirements have changed as well. Don't be afraid to explore new accomplishments. Open your soul mentally stimulating education into your life. What you wish for now is out there for the taking if you can see it, but you have to go out and invest energy in making it a reality. Your energy levels are fearless, reckless, and enterprising during this month and may feel a hemmed in by career relationships and feel an uncontrollable urge to enlarge your vistas and expand your emotions. Your long-term need to evolve and get past of old limitations can motivate you to seek a new soul mate. This doesn't mean getting rid of the current ones.

Most people will only need to tweak a few keywords a day, making the process much easier, but the concept is the same.

I hope that helps.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Can't I Just Find a Soul Mate Who Accepts Me as I Am?

Tips to help you find your soul mate
I like to focus on subjects that frequently come up in spiritual counseling sessions. One of these subjects has to do with soul mates, finding a soul mate, or improving a relationship with an existing soul mate.

I think it's a wonderful thing that so many people want to find and improve the relationships, and I hope this newsletter helps get you the path to do just that.

I'm not going to go into the whole process of how to find a soul mate because it's posted at the website, but one question that keeps popping up is:

Can't I just find someone who accepts me as I am? 

Technically, yes you can. But why would you want to?

The great thing about the universe, which is nothing more than an environment creator, is that it will create your future  environment based on what you are willing to invest time, effort, and energy into. I like to use the example of maintaining a lawn. If you drive down any street on any block, you will find some lawns perfectly immaculate, and some lawns in need of attention. The quality of the lawn is based on the amount of time, effort and energy that particular homeowner puts it to maintaining it.

So if your soul is closer to a lawn in the need of attention, and you choose not to improve, or evolve your soul before you seek a soul mate, the universe will match you up with a soul mate also in need of attention.

Any soul that is "need," takes energy instead of giving it. The best spiritual relationships occur when two souls give energy without measuring what they receive in return. Apply this rule of charitable energy applies to anything you do, and if you harness the energy of this skill, the universe will reward you in ways you can't imagine today. This goes for soul mate relationships too.

What is someone really saying when they say: "Can't someone just love me for me as I am?" more often than not, from what I hear a spiritual counseling sessions, it means they're not willing to work to prove their own soul and evolve, or if they are willing to do work, they are not willing to do a lot of work.

So since the universe can only create your future environment based on the investment of energy through your effort, the universe can only send you someone of equal energy, balance, and evolutionary skills. If that is the perfect soul mate relationship for you, and that is what you were looking to experience for the rest of your life, yes someone can accept you for what you are. But the quality of that acceptance is equal to your own quality, and your future soul mate's decision to accept you.

A potential soul mate that may be on evolutionary scale of 7 out of 10, is not likely to have the desire to accept a soul mate on an evolutionary scale of 4. If you want a partner that is a 7, than you have become a 7, or maybe a 7.5. All you have to become a 7.5 is act like one. Act is short of action. How are you not an angel if your actions are angelic? 

A soul mate relationship is one of the most powerful loving energies you will experience during your time here. To find someone because you're lonely, you just came out of a bad marriage, your biological clock is ticking, or you need financial security, are some examples of someone who puts their own needs first and doesn't focus on what they have to contribute to a soul mate relationship. A highly evolved potential soul mate would be likely to pat on you on the head and wish you a good day.

And rightly so. This potential soul mate is looking for a source to give charitable energy. Energy is power; power comes with responsibility, and if you are not yet evolved enough to accept their power, then you cannot complete a circuit for their energy.

As important as it is to make a list of everything you want from your relationship, it is equally important to identify what you need to prove yourself to be able to give with maximum effort and energy. To create a list is a wonderful start. I call it spiritual enlightenment meaning you make a list of all the possibilities you want in the future you are willing to create.

But equally important is that you actually do something to make this list a reality, and that's where people tend to fall short of what you are capable of experiencing in the future. Your own happiness, might I even say bliss, is totally of your own effort. It has nothing to do with your soul mate. Harness the energy of yourself, which is the only soul you can evolve, the universe will reward you in ways you can't imagine today.

But if you do nothing, and choose not to evolve, your return on your efforts is very imaginable. Chances are good you'll repeat the same quality relationships repeatedly,  what I call the Groundhog Day Effect, (after the Bill Murray movie) until you finally do something about it.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why the Universe Doesn't Measure Time

One thing you say a lot is that the universe doesn't measure time and that time is a human concept. Can you expand on that?
-Missy, Libra

Yes, great question. I hope this helps you understand. Time was invented by humans and is used by humans as a relationship tool.

Think of the universe as an environment creator, similar to a computer program. The environment you live in, including all things you might consider "good" or "bad," is of your own creation. You created your environment by the decisions you made and the amount of energy you invested in these creations.

No soul can evolve without spiritual relationships, and the environment you created is nothing but relationships. You have relationships with all the people you can see in your environment, as well as all the creatures and objects around you. These exist in your universe because you have chosen them to be here.

If you can grasp this concept, you can learn how to manipulate your environment by harnessing the energy of your soul. The most powerful thing about this statement is that your ability to create is only limited by your ability to believe what you can accomplish.

The process for this is well defined on the website, but starts with Spiritual Enlightenment. Think of one thing you would change right now in your environment, what would it be? Spiritual enlightenment requires you to invest energy in what you would create. It is totally a research task. Sounds easy enough right? The universe adds Temptations to take you from the path you wish to achieve. It truly is the perfect computer program for evolving your soul.

The next steps, Spiritual Awareness and Spiritual Growth teach you how to implement and invest energy in creating the future you wish to experience.

Suppose you picked something you want to change in your environment like I want to lose 15 pounds. How long will that take?

  • And that is why the universe doesn't measure time. 
  •  It also defines why time is a human concept.

How fast you will accomplish the goal of losing 15 pounds is totally based on the decisions you will make and the amount of energy you will work at changing your environment. If you exercise three hours a day and take in no more than 1,000 calories a day, you will lose 15 pounds faster than if you decide to buy some quick-fix diet machine or a bottle of pills that require no investment of energy.

Either way, you will not know exactly how long it will take. The universe doesn't have time, so it doesn't care. The universe does measure energy. Since no two bodies are the same, the amount of energy to lose 15 pounds is different for everyone. But it does know how much energy you will need to invest to make this goal a reality, and that is not shared information.

This applies to anything you want to change in your environment. Here, "spiritual" means to look within. It only when you can connect to what your soul sees that you learn to evolve it. "Evolve" means to create a different version of yourself.

It is why you are here.

In the next life, when you cross over, there is no time or energy required to do anything. All is instant. What you think or create simply becomes. Your relationships are also instant. All is known, there are no private thoughts.

When I crossed over from my near-death experiences, I had a taste of it. I would ask, "Am I dead?" The universe would reply "You were, now you're terms you can understand right now."

In this version of ourselves, work, effort, and energy are required to evolve. It is the perfect yin-yang balance compared to the next stage of your soul's evolution where all is instant and ongoing.

Today, your soul is in a vessel that is deteriorating to a point where it can no longer exist. Learning how to invest in what you want to achieve is considered a privilege you have earned to be here. Your souls can't learn what to efficiency create instantly, if you don't learn how to create when it takes effort.

And if you choose not to invest energy, you have still made a decision the universe will use to create your environment. It will stay the same, or decline to prompt you into action. Complaining or pointing fingers is not investing energy in creating the future you want to experience.

You can only evolve your own soul and how evolved you become, and all the wonders you have the option to experience are up to you. If you take the worry of "how long will it take" out of the equation, you'll achieve more, in less time, than you can imagine right now.

Love and light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Feel at Peace from a Past Relationship

Hi Jordan, my story has many aspects to it to which I am trying to get my head around so bear with me here.

I am 9 months separated from my husband of 12 years.  I did the leaving because I knew he wouldn't, but we both knew we had come to the end of our time together.  My reasons were varied but in the end we just were not compatible (he's a Pisces).  I found out after I left that he had cheated on me the year before and I was devastated.  I had entertained notions that we could maybe make things work if we took some space but that went out the window for me after he told me this.  

I, on the other hand played my own part (of course, takes two!)in our eventual deterioration.  Eight years ago I fell for one of our friends and kept it to myself and lived in a state of denial until I left last year. 

Two months after I left I told my friend how I felt but was clear that I held no expectations of him, that I could not expect him to feel the same way but that I was unable to keep my feelings for him to myself any longer.  He took some space from me for a little while (he's a Libra) but 2 weeks later at a party he made a move and I responded.  I was in no way prepared to deal with this relationship and found myself dealing with such strong emotional attachment that he ended it 2 months later.  Our friendship suffered and he cut himself off from me. 

Then I found out that my husband was in a new relationship.  I had the unfortunate experience of trying to let go of two loves at once and I do not recommend it.  I have two young children and it was hard to imagine them playing happy family all together and I eventually fell to pieces.  In March I asked my husband for our house back  which he was still in, I could not make ends meet in the house I was renting and the children wanted to be in their own home.  We built the house together 13 years ago, off the grid, private water, no rent and no central heating just wood stoves.  And my wonderful garden.  Healing for me is going to entail coming back to what we had created, the home our children loved and embracing what we had so I could finally let it go.

But it's not so easy, the land is owned by friends and now they only want  my ex there and not me.  He unwillingly vouched for me and we all agreed that the kids and I would move back.  But only after we go to a mediation appointment and get it in writing.  This morning I had a therapy session and it brought a lot up for me and sadly I had a massive argument with my ex and he is now reconsidering his position on the house.  He holds the cards on this one and I am so angry and disappointed in myself for possibly sabotaging what is so important to me, to go home to my garden and heal. 

I need guidance in how to feel at peace with where I am right now.  I can't make him move any faster but I am desperate to find my peace.  We live close so I see his girlfriend coming and going from our house, my house.  In my bed.  In my kitchen using my stuff.  In my children's rooms that I painted and decorated, I just can't handle it.  He has no compassion for me and why would he.  I am at a point of personal transformation, I cannot hold onto the person I was, the anger, the resentment.  If I want my Libra back, and I do, I love him and I believe he's the one, I need to make some serious changes within.  Things are definitely changing for me but I am not reaching my full potential yet and instead have taken massive steps backward.  

-Peace Frog, Virgo

Good Day Peace Frog,

Much of the energy in your question seems to revolve around your own needs. Successful relationships are based on what you give, not what you give. Without going through are particulars, there are numerous signs that the relationships you have been of did not seem destined to succeed. As of today, I would strongly suggest you let the past go, and focus your energy on the future. For example, your husband’s girlfriend is not sleeping in your bed. It is not your bed any longer.

By initiating a divorce, you choose to create a new future. The “peace” you are seeking can from creating this new life for yourself, but you can’t do it by living in, and be emotionally connect to the past.

The primary energy of the Virgo Soul is “I Analyze.” This often leads to tons of “What if” questions that can distract you from defining and working towards new relationship goals. You can harness this energy to create the future you want to experience.

Think of your past relationships as a learning experience. There were some parts of them you enjoyed, keep those for creating your new life, and exclude the parts that were less favorable. The next step is to work at healing yourself so you can go into your next relationship with confidence and energy that contributes instead of energy that is needy or requires reassurance. What aspects of the current version of yourself would you improve?

If you were to create the perfect soul mate on a piece of paper, it is equally important to become the soul that your future soul mate is creating on his piece of paper right now. If you focus your energy on creating the future you wish to experience, you will get a better return on your investment in the long run.

I hope that helps you.

Love and light,


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Question on Creating My Perfect Soul Mate

Dear Jordan,

Thank you so very much for all the wisdom you share. I am reading How to Find a Soul Mate on your website. Can you use a picture or visualization of a famous actor that you find attractive for attracting that type of soul mate as far as looks go and then adding your list of personality/lifestyle etc. traits? 

Thank you again.
-Chellie, Sagittarius

Hello Chellie,

Believe it or not, that is a very complex question based on the evolution of your soul. To simplify your question, yes you can, but the goal is to create from the inside out, not the outside in. The qualities that you would create of your soul mate's soul will translate into how you will communicate and exist with each other. This is a very huge list. 
  • Will he open the door for you? 
  • Will he be patient and understanding when you are moody or not having one of your best days? 
  • Will he surprise you with token acts of romance? 
  • Will he be a responsible and contributing partner to the relationship? 
Of course the list goes on, but my point is that these actions are forms of energy. Properly managed and harnessed, this energy you would receive from your potential soul mate creates what your potential soul mate looks like. 

I hope you continue to delvelop and create your ideal soul mate, but importantly, I hope you read and follow Step 3 of the exercise: How to Become Your Soul Mate's Soul Mate, which is about the required energy from you to make all this happen.

I hope that helps.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Friday, February 22, 2013

Why Can't I Find a Job?

I have received thousands upon thousands of spiritual counseling questions regarding finding jobs, and making money. These emails come from souls all over the world, both male and female.

First let me say, if you wrote in on this topic, and I didn't  reply to you; it is because I am not a psychic. Spiritual counseling is offered to help souls implement the teachings of the website. It is very easy for me to know when someone is trying to evolve their soul. There is a kind of "glow" to your aura, and you can't eventually shine if you don't first glow.

I am taking Reiki lessons, and one of the things I have learned about energy exchange is that healing energy doesn't work if it is given away. I have always known this about charitable energy and energy exchanges, but it is nice to see what I figured out on my own in ancient writings. You have to do your part too to make energy exchange a reality.

I bring this up to those to seek a psychic solution for anything other then entertainment, which hardly counts as a solution. If you really believe you can create the future you which to experience by seeking out psychics, and without investing energy or work, you have been taken by Temptation, which only wants to take you from the path of the light.

Sloth is a temptation that invites you to invest little, if any, energy. I hope you can see this path of destiny will not provide a positive return on your investment. Every temptation has an opposite energy that can help you get back on track. What is the opposite energy for sloth? Do some work, complete the energy echange, and find out by clicking here.

I have already given this topic too much energy. I am hoping you will put down your fortune cookies and finally see the light. No pun intended. Evolution, achieving goals, and creating the future you wish to experience all require work, or an investment of energy.

This email is for the remaining 1% of emails that are sincerely trying to learn and apply universal law to create the future they wish to experience. And even in what you may consider "failure," you still glow.

"I'm doing everything I can and not seeing results."
First, let me say, I understand and sympathize with the frustration and stress becoming unemployed can cause. However, the universe doesn't put a value on time, only energy invested. That you feel you have invested enough energy (which applies to any future you wish to create) is not relevant. Each career and job hunter is unique, and subject to environmental conditions. These conditions determine the amount of energy required, which is not something you know.

No soul is ever doing "everything they can," so instead, focus on what more you can do, and how much longer you can do it. If you're spending two hours a day looking for a job, spend eight. Let's say the universe has calculated your particular job search will take 1,152 hours of energy. It will take four times longer to get there investing two hours a day compared to eight.

"I can't find any opportunities for my job skills."
Perhaps you have chosen a field with limited opportunities and extensive competition. The amount of energy required to achieve this goal could be beyond what you might consider a fair or realistic return on investment of energy.

Perhaps it is time to redefine your career objectives. You may be able to improve your opportunities by expanding the job choices available to you. In essence, you are expanding your universe. For example, a teacher can also be  a tutor. While it not be a perfect fit, it does increase the amount of energy you invest and open potential paths of destiny in your career field. What else can you do?

The Six Laws of Spiritual Direction
Your career is a relationship, and you can only evolve through your relationships. Evolution of the soul is about connecting to the energy of your spiritual self. If you haven't yet received a personal spiritual astrology reading, I would highly recommend you get one to find the hidden strengths and powers of your soul.

Apply this energy to the six laws of spiritual direction and you are likely to find more opportunities you may have overlooked.

But in the end, it is all about work and investing energy. Energy exchange starts with what you send out to the universe, and is no different than the process of finding a soul mate.

If you improve the quality and focus of your energy, the universe will re-purpose it in a more productive and efficient manner. The universe reacts to energy. If your desires are not yet (a key attitude) what you desire, then you must provide more energy to create the future you wish to experience.

Like a soul mate, you don't find a job; you create one. And creation, of any kind, requires an investment of energy.
I hope that helps you.
Love and light, 

Jordan Canon

Spiritual Advisor

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why am I not Finding My Soul Mate?

I am a 27-year-old girl who honestly wants to find true and lasting love. I have been through a few serious relationships - the last one being the shortest but weirdly the most impactful one. I thought he was the one, but it didn't work out. This was about a year and a half ago. I was ready to start dating again about 8 months ago, and I've met a bunch of guys but haven't felt that spark with anyone so far and to be completely honest I haven't had guys show an interest in me the way they used to. I don't understand what has changed.

I live a full and complete life. I have a great family and great friends. My work is also going pretty well. The only thing I miss every single day in my life is having that special someone. It really hurts me. I have read up about the law of attraction and do my best to stay positive all the time but there are moments when I feel low and crazily lonely. I want to have someone to share my love with. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I know I have set my expectations rather high, but I do believe that I deserve someone with all the qualities, I imagine him to be.

I am done with my past and want to start fresh with someone who I fall in love with and vice versa. Any help or guidance from you would be much appreciated.

-Anna, Libra

Hello Anna,

This is a great question, and thank you for explaining yourself so well. What is most impressive to me is that I get the feeling you are investing energy in trying to create a new future, but it is just not happening yet. More often than not, investing the right amount of energy is usually the problem with not creating futures you wish to experience.

The universe has a very different opinion, than humans, regarding the amount of energy that is required to achieve goals, especially major goals like creating soul mates. This is why all people can't lose all the weight they want to, and whenever they want to.

It is not that their bodies can't adapt to lose weight; the universe created a perfect vessel for souls that can gain or lose weight based upon the decisions and actions (investment of energy) of the soul operating the vessel. It is the inability to invest energy and stay committed to losing weight that prevents most people from doing it. Often, this is the energy of temptation, which only wants to take you from the path you have decided to create for yourself. Sloth, which means lazy, not making decisions, or not investing energy, is one of the strongest, and most overlooked temptations

There are some things you said that really jumped out at me. I believe your answers lie within your questions.

"in eight months I met a bunch of guys but haven't found a spark with anyone yet."

Again, I applaud you for your efforts. You have set a goal, and defined the soul mate you want to share your future with. The universe will take your definition of what you want to create and "fill in the blanks," so to speak.

It is impossible for a human to create a definition so detailed that the universe doesn't have to fill in the blanks. It is sending you potential matches that are close, but not ideal. This is sign that you may wish to redefine what you are looking for and provide the universe with more details. The people the universe sent you all have positive and negative traits you can learn from to fine-tune your goals. Add these traits to your list when you create your soul mate, and you will help the universe send you better candidates. 

"I deserve with all the qualities I imagine."

The universe doesn't comprehend anything that starts with "I deserve..." This is a human opinion and has no value of energy towards creating a future to the universe. In fact, it can be considered the temptation of pride.

The energy of virtue that corrects pride is humility. A better way to harness this energy is to make personal improvements to evolve your soul. Soul mate relationships are not about what you deserve, or what you can get from them. They are about all you have to contribute to them. If you invest energy on self-improvement and becoming a contributing soul mate, the universe can improve the quality of the soul you seek.

"I am a 27-year-old girl."

The universe doesn't measure time. Time is a human concept. It doesn't care if your 27 or 87. It can only create the environment you desire by your decisions and efforts. You are not owed anything because of your age or whatever energy you think you invested so far.

"I do not know what I am doing wrong. I know I have set my expectations rather high."

Good for you, you are supposed to set your expectations high and avoid the temptation of settling for something less because you feel lonely. Draw strength from this, because it says a lot about you as a soul and what you have to contribute to the right relationship.

I believe if you continue on your path, fine-tune it a bit, and continue to invest energy achieve your goal; you will have created and found your perfect soul mate. However, you also have to invest energy in becoming the perfect soul mate this person is also looking for.

"I don't understand what has changed."

When you are heavily committed and focused on achieving a goal, the universe can implement what I refer to as a "Groundhog Day" environment. The concept is based on the movie with Bill Murray, where he relives the same day, over and over again, until he gets it right.

What has changed is you, and your commitment to your goal. What you think was valuable in your past, such as "I haven't had guys show an interest in me like they used to," is no longer relevant. At your request, the universe not creating future potental paths of destiny that no longer apply to your goals and could distract you from your chosen path. The only way to get out of the Groundhog Day effect is to give up (which I don't recommend) or keep working until you finally get it right.

My last point has nothing to do with finding your soul mate. It has to do with charitable energy. You are asking the universe for something. Based on the universal laws of Yin Yang, it will greatly help your chances if you give something to the universe.

Charitable energy is the most powerful energy in the universe. I would recommend you find opportunity using  this energy. This is tricky. You can't invest charitable energy because you want to get something back, otherwise it is not charity. In essence, you are expecting something in return. If you give freely and make yourself more available to help others the universe will put in your path, then you will be rewarded in ways you can't imagine today.

The universe does notice this energy. Basically, your desire to create the future you want to experience is no longer all about you. I promise you, if you watch and look for sudden opportunities to help total strangers, they will come.

Help them freely, and you have become an assitant for the universe, and the universe tends to take care of those souls that make themselves available for this service.

You are doing great! Just do a little fine-tuning, be available for universal charity, and I promise you that you will be the answer to someone's prayers. Someone with the same desires and values that you have.

Love and light,

Jordan Canon

Spiritual Advisor

Friday, January 18, 2013

Who Should I Marry?

Dear Jordan,
I have been with Ryan for the past 7 years, married for almost 3 of those years. In September 2012, I left him. I was being taken for granted, lonely and empty for many months in my marriage.

Since then, I met Bob. I felt as if time stood still when I met him and we have connected ever since we met, on an emotional, intellectual and spiritual level. We always feel as though we've known each other for years. Now we are becoming intimate physically also. I sometimes feel like he is everything I ever wished for in my deepest subconscious level.

I am under immense pressure from my family and Ryan to return to my marriage. I am very confused which man/path will be the best one for me. I am afraid I keep making wrong choices in love because this is the second marriage to have fallen apart for me.

Should I take a chance on Bob, who to be honest, loves me in a way ive never been loved before and feel like its too good to be true. Or should I go back to my old life and ex-husband to try to make it work? Please give me your insight and guidance!

I'm not afraid of change, but I just want to know which man is the right one for me. Please be honest with me, if you also feel I have some kind of psychic garbage or emotional blockages that prevents me from truly loving a man or trying to make my relationships work?

Thank you Jordan. 

Hello Jenny,

I promise you no one has a disdain for "psychic garbage" more than I do. I am not a psychic, nor do I tell people what life's choices to make. That is your gift from the universe, commonly known as free will.

The whole point of this existence is to evolve your soul, which you can only do through the relationships you choose to create and invest energy in. If you are not secure enough to make the decision of your soul mate because of pressure from your family, or "fear" of making a correct decision, then I might suggest you consider the possibility that you are not yet complete enough for a soul mate relationship, and/or unqualified and ready to make the decision at this time.

The whole idea of a soul mate relationship is to become complete yourself, meaning you offer the relationship security, stability, and positive contributions that give you and your soul mate the opportunity to grow as one strong and evolving union.

Relationships entered into with insecurity, or worse, that appear to solve "I need problems," are highly likely to end up in the ways you find repeatedly experiencing.


In all likelihoods, you haven't invested enough time, energy, and effort in evolving your own soul to be worthy of the perfect soul mate you might create for yourself.  Basically, you haven't evolved. As a result, the universe has a way of putting you back to square one so you can achieve the opportunity to evolve again.

As a Libra, you have the gift of generally making right decisions. It would not be a surprise to have many friends who seek your advice on decisions they have to make. A Personal Spiritual Astrology Reading will help you find the abilities your soul has been blessed with. Knowing these abilities will help you harness the power of your soul and get a greater return on your efforts.

I would also recommend you read and reread the three steps it takes to evolve your soul. They would be:
Do this, and you will be able to incorporate the process of creating the future you wish to experience with the gifts and energy of your soul. If you invest energy in this evolution, you will find yourself on a new path of destiny you have created for yourself.

Lastly, I would recommend you read How to Find a Soul Mate. One doesn't really find a soul mate. Like any potential path of destiny, they create one. If you were to create the perfect soul mate for yourself, would either of these two candidates be the perfect soul you would create for yourself?

Then, once you create this perfect soul mate, are you the perfect soul mate this person would create for themselves? You should be able identify areas of opportunities you can improve as a person to become complete, and create a soul mate relationship that achieves the goal you both with to experience.

I would also recommend you get Free Relationship Compatibly Readings for each candidate. These reading will help you understand where you are now, and open your mind to where you may wish to go. If you wish to further define your current position in life, and create possibilities of future paths, I recommend reading The Six Laws of Spiritual Direction.

Once you invest energy in creating the future you wish to experience, The Universe will begin to create an environment for you that begins to define your efforts. It won't be perfect right off the bat, because your definition of what you desire to create won't be perfect.

Think of The universe is a perfect mathematical program that creates environments. It may send you a soul that matches your description, but you will realize you may need to fine-tune your definition and re-invest energy based on your new goals. The process is quite simple; the execution requires effort, and the more effort you are willing to invest, the higher your return on investment will be.

If you learn how to use your Daily Spiritual Astrology Reading, you will find a more efficient way to communicate with the universe. It works, trust me, and try it for a week.

My last point is time. "How long will this take?" is a question I get a lot. Time is a human concept, not one of the universe. The universe understands energy and effort.

Say you want to lose 10 pounds. Exactly, to the minute, how long will it take to do that? You won't know, but the universe does know exactly how much energy and effort it would take for you to achieve that goal. If you decide to take six months to expend the energy and effort, and it will take six months. It is all up to you under the universe law of free will.

I hope this helps you and gives you something to consider as you embark on this important life decision. You have a taken a great first step, and if you are not afraid of change as you say, you will create your answers to the questions you seek.

Love and light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Why is there So Much Hate in the World?

Learn how to evolve your soul at
My mommy says you are the smartest man she knows. I would like to know why there is so much hate in the world.

-Jackie, age 8 
Hi Jackie, please thank your Mom for her kind words.

I am not one that believes there is so much hate in the world. In fact, I believe the amount of love is thousands of times greater than the amount of hate. It is just a matter of what we focus on.

Here is what I mean. Stare at any one of the three dots in this picture. Just stare at one, and only one. When you do so, what happens to the other two dots? 
They disappear, don't they?

Rare instances of hate can appear like stars against a black sky. They are bright and flashy, making it seem like there are a lot of them, and they get out attention. 
But they only do so against a black background which could represent love. If you focus on the whole sky, you might agree there is not as much hate as there appears to be.

This doesn't appy to just love and hate, it applies to all that exists, and especially evolving our relationships. It is what you focus on that becomes what you see.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor