Monday, June 23, 2014

Worry is a Type of Fear


I have been worrying a lot if Seth really is in Love with me or did he Cheat.

Thanks A lot,

Hello Gina,

Relationships offer one the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth.  Often it is hard to see, but the true growth opportunities are within ourselves, not the person we're in a relationship with.  You see, free will is a gift each person possesses, and ultimately gives each one of us control over our own life.  Can you control the thoughts and actions of another?  

Fear is a temptation  that its only goal is to keep us from harnessing the light.  Worry is a type of fear.  Fear of things not going our way.

Have you read the pages on the website on How to Find a Soul mate?  The information on the page may help you sort things out.

Often, when we flip our focus on ourselves, we see there are many opportunities that exist to spend our energy improving our own mind, body and soul.

Love and Light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Knowing Our Origin



I want to know about my parents. I don’t know  anything about them.



It is natural for one to wonder about his or her origin.  The ultimate question is why?  There can be countless reasons driving your yearning and the question you may want to consider is whether or not finding out about your parents is something that your soul truly wants to know.  What is it that you want to get from knowing who your parents are? 
Perhaps the pages on Spriitual evolution can help you in your situation.  You see, the steps of spiritual evolution can be applied to any and all aspects of life.  The basic steps in spiritual evolution(spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awareness, and spiritual growth) are really tools to help us not only look within, but to learn and take action harnessing not only the knowledge we obtain during the evolution process.

All the best and remember, when you harness the powerful energy of the light and live your life according to the virtuous laws of the universe, whichever path you travel on will bring you peace, contentment. and happiness. 

Love and Light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Creating a Future One Wishes to Experience


My ex boyfriend of 7 yrs has dumped me took my rent money and literally left me out in the cold at minus 30 and hasn’t called or checked to see if I haven’t frozen to death...I recently miscarried our child at 5 months and after that happened he stopped caring about me altogether...we were planning our future together but he put me thru so much stress when I was pregnant I lost it. He would tell me he loves me and always will but never showed it...he ditched me on xmas and new years and said he had important things to do...but would make it up to me...well he didn’t and he got meaner and more abusive...he started seeing a woman who is 26 and I am 41...he is a lot younger than me and he rubbed that in my face...when we first got together I thought the age difference was more than I liked and for the first few yrs he said that it wasn’t...a couple of weeks ago he came to the hotel I was in and practically forced himself on me but I loved him so I didn’t say no...he told me he loved me and that he found me beautiful....then after 6 hrs of sex got up put is clothes on and said he had to go to the barn and fed the horses...and would come back to be with me...well he didn’t and then I went back to live with him but he became distant and started texting and emailing this other made me angry and then he threw me out on the street and has been with her for the past week or do I fix myself so I never let him in is like he is a drug and I can’t get enough...I hate myself for loving someone so cruel and selfish...and it eats me up inside knowing that he is no happy in his new love relationship...and I am left with nothing cause he unhooked and took my furnace apart and took all the insulation out of my house and left me with a power bill I can afford and all the bills...while he gets to start over I have to try to survive and I don’t know if I will...he even smashed up my jeep and took my massage table to his friends house and she won’t give it back unless I pay her a 100 dollars...I can’t even afford to eat...what is ur advice?


Thank you for being so open with me.  Difficult times are overwhelming and often times leave a person with the feeling of hopelessness.  It is the overwhelming frustration of difficult situations that allow temptation to fill us with negative feelings, such as anger and resentment.

From what you describe, your relationship with your ex has been difficult.  Have you read the website pages on soulmates?  Is this man someone that you consider to be the person you wish to spend your life with.  Love is an emotion that at times we feel so strongly, and can't help to overlook the pain we feel sometimes when we love someone. 

What do you think is the best next step for you in the situation you find yourself in?  Will you get more from looking within and focusing your energy on healing your own soul or by focusing your energy on your past relationship and your ex? 

Each of us has the power within us to change any negative, dark situation into something more positive, more bright.  But often we find ourselves trapped by our own mind.  Perhaps you might want to consider your options and focus on finding a place to stay and thinking about what things you can work on in your own life to change your difficult time into a rebuilding time.  A time where you let go of the past and work on creating the future you wish to experience.

Your soul is stronger than you know, and if you allow it to guide you then you might find that you can work to change your entire life - your inner self as well as your environment.

No one can change another person.  We are all responsible for our own evolution.  Your ex will do and feel as he sees fit.  Do you agree his actions are out of your control?  What is in your control? 

Perhaps you might consider a free personal astrology reading.  These readings are offered to members of the website's newsletter and offer a direct communication to your soul.  I often describe the reading to other members as a "roadmap to your soul and the many possibilities that exist for one in his or her lifetime."  It is not a prediction of the future, but rather an insight of the many possible paths that exist for you in this life.  It is how you use the amazing power of free will that ultimately determines which path you travel on in this life. 
The most difficult of times usually offer us the most significant opportunities for evolution.

There are some links in my response below.  These links will bring you to some pages on the website that you may want to read. 

The website is full of information that is there to teach people the tools the universe has given each one of us in order to harness the amazing power of the light.  It is when we step into the light that even the dankest of times are not able to consume us, but rather help us grow and learn lessons that will ultimately create our future path. 

Love and Light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor


How to Undone the Past?

Hi Jordan,

I really do not know if you can help me. I live in a bad environment that will not allow for me to concentrate and help myself. It has been really hard. When I was a child anything I ever did was never good enough for my father. As I grew older my brothers and sister have bad views about me because they got it from him. I have been talked about very badly. I have given up on things a lot because I feel like it does not matter any way because I feel there is a dominating evil negative perceptions always judging me. I have always had a hard time and cannot keep a job because people are always harassing me. Up to this point I been feeling very depressed because I am almost 40 yrs old even though I do not look it. I feel like I have not accomplished anything, I have been in college for three yrs now, but I feel like it’s not enough. I also do light work online to help the world evolve, I call that my secret life. Right now I feel like I am suffocating like I just need to get away from all this negative energy but I do not have the funds to do it, I am scared to get a job because I feel I can’t deal with people anymore, I was born here in this small town and I feel like I want to be free and get away, I feel like I cannot carry on here anymore. I tried to find a Buddhist monastery where I can stay and meditate and just peel away my ego and be born but I have not found anything.


Hello April,

Thank you for sharing your situation with me.  Often, we do not realize the affects of having parents who are tough on us and express their love through toughness.   Every soul is different and has a unique set of challenges.  We can only work on our own soul's evolution and change ourselves.  However, we can help the ones around us and in our circle by loving and understanding him or her without any judgment or anger.  Love is the strongest energy of the light, anger is the strongest energy of the dark.
It’s great that you are working toward a college degree!  That is not easy and requires a lot of hard work and discipline.  You should be proud of yourself. 

The past is the past and cannot be undone.  What is changeable is your present and your future.  SO what if today you decide to work toward letting go of the affect other people's opinion has on you?  Instead of thinking of past mistakes, why not focus on what you can create in the future for yourself and the ones you love.  This isn't necessarily an easy goal and will take significant time and effort,  But most wonderful things in life require hard work.  

I often remind people that no matter how tempting it is to run from the negativity surrounding him or her, the true test of your strength is to be able to harness the light in even the darkest of situations.  Perhaps you may want to consider ways you can learn to maintain your positive energy even when faced with negative energy?  Perhaps meditation or yoga?  Or maybe you may want to read the articles on the website, if you haven't already.  All of the articles are there to teach people how to create the environment he or she wishes to experience.  Often it is said, knowledge is key solution to any problem.

Another consideration for you is a free personal astrology reading.  This is a free service to members of the website's newsletter and is a direct communication with your soul.  With this reading, you can learn about your soul’s natural strengths and challenges.  Think of it as the road-map to your soul.  It touches on every possible path, and every possible energy that exists for your soul.  However, nothing in this reading is set in stone.  Ultimately, your choices and how you harness free will determines which path you take for your life.  
Remember, the past is the past.  Today can be the beginning of a whole new life.  True freedom is releasing the affects of the past and freeing your soul from the captivity it feels from the affects of past hurts.  You can do it!  Let your soul's light shine bright!

Love and Light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Friday, June 13, 2014

How to Help A Loved One Overcome Addiction Part 1

Spiritual Advisor Jordan Canon
For the benefit of our new members, the subject of these blogs are based on the content of spiritual counseling sessions.

The logic is: If people are writing in about a specific topic, there may be others with the same question or situation. Over the last few months, helping friends or family members overcome addiction has been
"off the charts" in the frequency of requests submitted.

If you find yourself in this situation, I think you will find some understanding on how you help you eventually help someone overcome their addiction.

The Book of Jordan

Addiction is a disease.  It is a temptation harnessing the dark energy of temptation and the addiction consumes the addicted person's soul.  It's extremely difficult to endure the pain, stress, and problems of an addiction involving someone you love. 

There are many emotions a person may feel when dealing with an addiction crisis; hopelessness, anger, frustration, fear, sadness, disappointment, stress, and judgment

As a sober individual watching an addict, these emotions often flood our own souls because usually a sober person's mind cannot easily understand how someone they love so very much could transform and allow addiction to take over his or her life (and soul).  The addict's mind is different.  It doesn't see.  And that fact alone is a difficult concept to grasp. 

How does he or she not see that his or her actions are harnessing temptation's dark energy?  How can he or she not see their actions make loved one's feel that he or she no longer care?  How can he or she not see that everything negative going on in his or her life is a direct (or indirect) consequence of the abuse of drugs or alcohol?  How can he or she not see the hurt loved ones are feeling and that relationships are suffering or ending because of the addiction? 

Again, remember an addict's mind is consumed by temptation and temptation tries very hard to make sure an addict cannot see things in the same light of a sober person.  The only focus on an addict's mind is how to get his or her next fix or how to get enough money for his or her addiction.  An addict usually isolates himself or herself from non-addicts to avoid having to face reality.  Addiction doesn't just affect an addict; it affects the family and friends of the addict too. 

Even though this may be difficult to see, an addict still possesses the soul you love and miss.  The goodness and light of the addict's soul still exists, buried deep within him or her; though this may be extremely hard for someone dealing with the stressful situation to recognize.  Again, ADDICTION is a disease and like any disease, it needs energy and work to heal. 

While it is true no one can cure an addict who doesn't want to be cured, but that doesn't mean there isn't a way loved ones can unite and offer support that will help an addict overcome his or her addiction. 

The website says over and over, we only evolve through our relationships.  Helping a loved one battle addiction is a very big opportunity for a person's own evolution.  The patience, love, selflessness, and sacrifice that it takes to help an addict harness the strongest, most virtuous energy that exists in this universe.  The emotions described in the first paragraph harness the most negative energy and are more in tune with the Seven Deadly Sins
Of course you may be thinking that it is impossible to remain loving, patient and selfless in what seems to be a hopeless situation and naturally want to blame the addict for all his or her wrongdoing. 

Nothing is impossible and sometimes the most challenging obstacles offer the strongest opportunities for one top prove that impossible can become "I'm Possible" when one's mind and actions transform.
What outcome do you wish to see for your loved one plagued with the sickness of addiction?  Do you want his or her soul to be healed and return to whom he or she once was?  And if the answer is yes, then my next question is what you are willing to sacrifice and work at about yourself to give the outcome the best possibility of success.  As with any challenge, it is not about the energy and effort put in, it is about the TYPE OF ENERGY AND EFFORT
Love is always stronger than hate but that doesn't mean you have to fill yourself with love. You choose to LOVE no matter what.  But you can also choose to hate.  Both choices lead to completely different paths of destiny for your soul and the soul of your loved ones.  Anger is the strongest negative emotion and can destroy any chance of repairing the damage caused by addiction.  I am not underestimating the work and effort it takes for a person to not hate, not be angry at or judge an addict.  An addict lies, steals, cheats, manipulates, and creates havoc for families.
But remember, the addict is sick. But love is again the strongest virtuous energy and when one holds love in their heart and is driven by love, not hate, amazing things can happen.  Now, it is not just about "feeling" love but demonstrating your love. It is about your actions, your sacrifices, your tone of voice, and ultimately every decision made over a period of time. Lashing out at an addict only increases his or her desire to escape and usually has the opposite affect; leading the addict straight to drugs or alcohol to escape.  An addict's soul knows exactly what he or she is doing and he or she will try to avoid facing reality at any cost. The goal is to awaken the light in the addict's soul.
Healing doesn't happen overnight, but it can happen. Chances grow stronger when loved ones unite and decide to work together to organize a precise plan of action.  Strong and united efforts in loving support, demonstrated by firm and organized action can make a difference over time.  But a plan is only as good as the execution which means anyone involved in the battle against addiction MUST BE READY TO MAKE SACRIFICES and also be consistent with his or her efforts.  Again, please let me remind you that patience, love, consistency, sacrifice, non-judgment, and support (support doesn't mean enable!) are the energies one must work to possess during the difficult time of fighting addiction. You have to maintain a positive relationship so the addict will naturally turn to you for help when they are ready to receive it.
Enabling is not necessarily done on purpose, but in most situations doesn't help an addict face his or her reality.  If he or she is "getting by" in life and still able to be an addict then there is typically no real need to change - according to the mind of an addict.  I suggest you refrain from giving an addict ANY MONEY.  This includes money for incidentals like food, clothing and gas. Enabling also comes in the form of making excuses for an addict's actions.  My suggestion is if he or she misses work or something else, do not cover for him or her.  Accountability for actions is another key fact that will help an addict escape denial and realize his or her addiction is ruining his or her present and future.
Communication is another key. If you are an individual working with others to heal an addict, I suggest you work on OPEN COMMUNICATION.  No matter how stressful the situation may get, the TEAM SHOULD CONSIDER THE IMPORTANCE OF WORKING TOGETHER AND AVOIDING CONFLICT WITH EACH OTHER. 

Think of a baseball team that has great talent and are off to a great start to the season.  If that team fails to communicate with each other, the affect may be felt on the field.  A great play that could've happen never actually happens.  Then, the breakdown of communication could cause tension between team members, leading to arguments harnesses temptation's energy.  At the end of the season, the team misses the playoffs.  What path could the team (similar to your addiction battling team) have created if they maintained communication and continued to work together in a positive way?  The answer - they could've been champions.
Work with the Universe, not Temptation
The universe will create "events" for the addict and provide opportunity for them to make a change. This could be an arrest, or an overdose as an example. These events will increase if the addict remains on their current path. We are all subject to universal events.

Eventually the addict will reach a point where denial is no longer an option and a crossroad presents itself.  When the addict is ready to choose the path to the light and wishes to overcome the grasp of his or her drug or alcohol addiction, this is a crucial time when the words of this blog could make all the difference between success and failure.  An addict will most likely need help. This is when SELFLESS LOVE is most important.
What do you think the addict's chances of success will be without the love and support of a sober, responsible loved one?  Remember, love is the opposite of hate.  Anger is not an energy representing love.   No matter what the circumstance are, the minute you let anger into your heart there is no room for love. 

No matter what situation, your soul always has the choice whether to love or to hate. You have to remain "zen," and do not get drawn into an angered or frustrated argument, as you will only be helping temptation do its work. 

At the end of your long, difficult road, you may be surprised to see you've found you're loved once again.  You may also be surprised to see that your soul grew and is stronger than it was when you started down this journey.  Usually, difficult journeys lead to a point where you look back and are able to smile and shake your head and say, "YES, all the pain, heartache, work, and sacrifice were worth it."

The love and light will not only exist in your eyes but in the eyes of your loved one who at one point you might of thought was gone forever.

The only limits in this world are the limits we set for ourselves.  Change your mind, change the energy you harness in your heart and soul, and work toward the goal you wish to achieve and you may just see that you not only achieve great change, but prove to yourself something that you at one point thought was impossible.  Remember, I'm Possible is a different way a writing IMPOSSIBLE.

PS - If the situation is severe, please consider an interventionist.  How to execute a successful intervention will be Part 2 of this blog topic.
 Love and light, 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Are you Willing to Wait for your Soul Mate?

Hello Jordan,

I have been more involved than usual in my spiritual growth. In so doing, I have been releasing pain-body experiences on a deeper heart level from childhood and more recent learning crises. I feel more balanced and secure...even better than before. 

My midlife crisis seemed to begin 2010 to now. I have had a deep soul mate connection with a cancer male for nearly 15 years. I have been romantically involved with him two times..Once in 2000 and one time a couple months in 2012. We remain friends, and I knew I had feelings...but only intellectually. I knew I wanted a relationship but was not ready. He wasn’t either...but we found a deep spiritual and chemical relationship that at times was too scary to think about. I know he wants safety. I wasn’t safe for love until October of 2013. 

I done a lot of deep soul searching and feel I am the person I love and want to be, and am capable of a soul mate deeply committed relationship. I know he has feelings, but I am certain he isn't ready. I am deeply empathetic toward this, and have on an intellectual level let it go. At timed I feel my heart has to a large degree, but there are still times the sadness of not being with him brings an inner sadness as it is he who helped me be the best version of myself. 

We are great friends and I sense he is sad we are not more as well. But he lives several states away, are in an internship, and finishing a degree. His girls 19 and 17 are nearby. He is practical and feels it is unrealistic. In his view he is correct. He has also been burned by past loves this lifetime. So he has that cross to bear. I would like to know if there are key strategies to release further the deep connection. 

As while I’m extremely grateful what we have, and will honour it move on and detach consistently is difficult. It feels as if I have until I try to call in the one...and my deep heart releases more connections. I don’t feel devasted.. But there is a sadness losing a dear loved one due to death. Maybe it just takes time. I have visualized cords being removed and to my knowledge they are. Since it is fresh that one I opted to feel deeply and Two I have to now let it is just a matter of time. We have been great friends over the years, but I chose not to go too far because I had unfinished business and found myself carping and harping in ways not me. I went inward and healed which was good. He drew from me in carping stage, but I was so aware and willing to amend, he could still feel amicable. There is a strong physical attraction which is unheard of for both if us. We almost met last spring but I sensed his reticence after he initially happily agreed, circumstances financially were not ideal so I let it go. To date we are still friends, though we text much less as he appears to be in his cave. With that I have let it be. I miss the friendship, but I cherish time within and no that the separation is a gift to myself. 

While intellectually knowing this and he artfully accepting and loving him as a friend and past lover...emotionally I get blindsided and I grieve the loss. I accept and love myself through this, but is there something else I should be doing to integrate the grieving into acceptance more fully. Or does this just take time. You know even let down guarded intellect and delve emotionally realizing only authentic truth of being real and heartful..For no expectation or reason t reach out similarly believe he would was quite hard. I did let him know I would rather be in his arms many miles away and not with one closer with no connection. He was touched and was more open in wishing me well and agreeing we have had a deep connection over the years. It is still his way to stay detached and I live him where he is. But still all I can do is release the energies of an us. 

A little hard as I visualize what it could have been. I used your compatibility with his birth date and mine. And we rocked it, according to the report. It is like I just want to put o. my soulmate wants spreadsheet: give me everything on this report. Just find the one who is ready for it. Someone just like him who is free and clear. I know it juts him that he can’t be what I want...from an intuitive standpoint that is. Thanks for listening as I have no one who would understand my emotions and spiritual affect at this time.

Best Regards,

Hello Laura, 

Wow, what a great job expressing how you feel and analyzing the situation for what it is.  Virgo's have a natural ability to see each detail and analyze until any situation makes perfect sense.  What is impressive, is your email doesn't show any criticism or negativity regarding the situation, something that is at times a challenge for Virgos.  Way to go! 

A soul mate connection is when both people are ready to commit fully and without any hesitation.  You seem to be in tune with your inner self and I guess the question I'll leave you to think about is whether you are willing and capable to love this man patiently and wait for him to also look within and find his way to you.  If it is meant to be and you harness the virtuous energy of the light, perhaps fate may work its hand.  Time is a concept we often hold too much regard for.  So here's another question:  IF it takes one month or ten years, would you rather walk away and give up or wait for this possible soul mate to find his way to you? 

There is no definites in our world.  The best one you can do is to (as you seem to be doing), work on your own soul and choices and leave the rest up to the universe.  

What makes this difficult for most, is when temptation sneaks into your mind and soul and tries to create doubt, anger, frustration, and many other negative feelings.  It’s not always easy to resist temptation, which is why life often seems like a dance - two steps forward and one step back. 

Keep up the great work on your personal evolution!! 

Love and Light, 

Jordan Canon 
Spiritual Advisor

Sunday, June 1, 2014

No Room for Doubt

Hi John,

I have been meditating for over 35 years. Last night as I was going deep into state of consciousness I saw bright light in my vision along with sound. In all the years of meditating I have never experience this. I have seen other vivid colors as I went into meditation but never such beaming bright white light. I think I have an idea of the meaning...however, I wanted to seek more definition of what this meant. Thank you for your time and service.

Aurora, Colorado

Hello Nanci,

Thank you for writing in and feel free to write in with any question.  It’s wonderful you've learned to meditate so long ago and continue to practice the discipline!  Meditation quiets the mind from external circumstances and helps one connect to the soul.  However, I do not get into deciphering meanings of what one experiences during meditation.  Instead, I share this with people who write in with similar inquiries:  Angelic messages leave no room for doubt.  If one is unsure of the meaning of anything related to spirituality, then dismiss this.  If the message is pure and one that you are meant to understand, the universe will leave no room for doubt.

I hope this helps and have a wonderful day!!

Love and Light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Counsel on Reincarnation

Dear Jordan,

Do you believe in reincarnation ? If so ,are we haunted by our past mistakes? ( from other lives as well as the one we are presently in)

Does God keep bringing us back until we learn all we have to? It seems so daunting. For the longest time , I never believed in reincarnation. I do now. There just seems far too much to learn and understand for one lifetime. Considering also, how short some lives are. Sorry for rambling so.

Thank you for your time,

Hello Karen,

Reincarnation is a subject that many wonder about. It is a question that leaves people curious, perhaps the uncertainty of where we came from and where we go is what drives the curiosity in many souls.

With that said, I don't counsel on reincarnation. Instead, I focus my attention on helping people on their path to spiritual evolution. The past is the past and can it be changed?  Each of us comes here to learn and grow. That is the basis of all evolution. Each person has a different path, but ultimately we all have a path.  

Free will is something you may want to read about on the website and learn about. What is the connection to free will and the present and future? That may be a question you might want to take some time to think about.  

Another suggestion is a personal astrology reading if you're an active member and haven't requested one previously. You see, the readings are a free service to members and contain a direct communication with your soul. It provides a road map to your soul. I use road map because of the many potential paths that exist, it is our choices throughout life that ultimately determine what path we travel, and what part of our soul we harness as we travel our path.

Love and Light,

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor